Results for 'J. A. López-Pérez'

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  1.  45
    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    8 March, now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal (...)
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  2.  34
    Anthropological Perspectives in Psychiatric Nosology.Juan J. López-Ibor Jr & María-Inés López-Ibor - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):259-263.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anthropological Perspectives in Psychiatric NosologyJuan J. López-Ibor Jr. (bio) and María-Inés López-Ibor (bio)KeywordsDSM, etiology, Aristotelian causes, social dramasPsychiatry and clinical psychology, as we learn in this paper, are disciplines in need of an ontological perspective. Very few branches of contemporary learning share this characteristic. Probably only theoretical physic and theology—as the rest have long ago given up trying to define and understand the essence of their object, (...)
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  3.  38
    Creativity Belongs to the Person, not to Disease.Juan J. López-Ibor Jr & María-Inés López-Ibor - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):277-279.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Creativity Belongs to the Person, not to DiseaseJuan J. López-Ibor Jr. (bio) and María-Inés López-Ibor (bio)Keywordscreativity, patho-biography, Saint Teresa, visionsIn the paper, “From the Visions of Saint Teresa of Jesus to the Voices of Schizophrenia,” Cangas, Sass, and Pérez-Álvarez (2008) take an original approach to patho-biography that is very welcome.The temptation to designate historical individuals or characters of fiction as suffering from mental disease has always (...)
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  4.  13
    Sobre el discurso de Horkheimer al asumir la dirección del Instituto de Investigación Social.Sheila López-Pérez - 2023 - Cinta de Moebio 78:196-208.
    ResumenEl presente trabajo analiza el discurso de Horkheimer al asumir el puesto de director del Instituto de Investigación Social, popularmente conocido como Escuela de Frankfurt. Nuestro objetivo es rastrear el tipo de filosofía social que emprendió el Instituto y que le distanció de otras disciplinas de la época, entre las que se encontraban la filosofía pura y la sociología, incapaces, a ojos del alemán, de clarificar la realidad social. Pasaremos por su crítica de la totalidad y su énfasis en la (...)
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  5. Contributions of the Frankfurt School and Edgar Morinto Promote Dialectical and Complex Thinking in Education.Sheila López-Pérez - 2025 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 38:271-294.
    El presente texto tiene por objetivo plantear una propuesta educativa que complejice la manera de pensar de los adolescentes escolarizados y, por lo tanto, su manera de convivir con la incertidumbre, el devenir y la otredad. Con miras a ello, se parte de la formulación de un “método” –palabra clave en este trabajo– basado en las filosofías de la Escuela de Frankfurt y Edgar Morin, que sea capaz de hacerse cargo de la multidimensionalidady multirreferencialidad de la realidad: el pensar dialéctico (...)
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  6.  87
    Guilt and shame: an axiomatic analysis. [REVIEW]Raúl López-Pérez - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (4):569-586.
    Using the machinery of Game Theory, this article analyzes how shame and guilt affect preferences. Based on abundant psychological literature, we posit that the preference ordering of someone who can feel shame (or guilt) must satisfy a number of axioms and prove that it can be represented by a particular utility function. Understanding how shame and guilt work is important to explain why people respect social norms and exhibit prosocial behavior, many times contrary to their material interest.
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  7.  14
    Horkheimer lee a Kurosawa. Dos antropologías demasiado humanas.Sheila López-Pérez - 2024 - Endoxa 53.
    El presente trabajo expone la conexión entre dos antropologías que huyen de la abstracción y muestran los aspectos más humanos del ser humano: las antropologías de Horkheimer y Kurosawa. El texto presentará la denuncia de la instrumentalización de la época contemporánea y la falta de individuación de los sujetos por parte de ambos autores. Defenderemos la tesis de que tanto Horkheimer como Kurosawa promovieron un tipo de ética alejada de imperativos categóricos o deberes metafísicos, una ética eudemonista basada en la (...)
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  8.  42
    How market value relates to corporate philanthropy and its assurance. The moderating effect of the business sector.Lourdes Arco-Castro, Maria Victoria López-Pérez, Maria Carmen Pérez-López & Lázaro Rodríguez-Ariza - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (2):266-281.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  9.  13
    Hegel y Adorno: de la sistematización de la dialéctica afirmativa a la apertureidad de la dialéctica negativa.Sheila López-Pérez - 2023 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 28 (2):49-65.
    El presente artículo se encamina a analizar la que consideramos la filosofía en la que ha culminado toda pretensión sistematizadora e instrumentalizadora de la realidad: la dialéctica hegeliana. Con base en ello, plantearemos una tentativa, a través de Adorno, de una dialéctica negativa que permita hacer de la realidad un lugar abierto, fluyente e indeterminado, un lugar compuesto por unos individuos capaces de hacerse cargo de la realidad en la medida en que se hacen cargo de sí mismos. La subjetivación (...)
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  10.  45
    Different carrots and different sticks: do we reward and punish differently than we approve and disapprove? [REVIEW]Andreas Leibbrandt & Raúl López-Pérez - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (1):95-118.
    This paper reports lab data from four games in order to analyze and compare the motivations behind monetary punishment and reward and their non-monetary counterparts, disapproval and approval, an important question given that both types of punishment/rewards affect cooperation and norm compliance. The results in our games support the hypothesis that a motivation akin to reciprocity plays the key role for approval and disapproval whereas payoff comparisons play the key role for monetary rewards and punishment.
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  11.  22
    Escalas de localización e historias de la filosofía en Colombia.Daniel Mugnier Zuluaga, Carlos Arturo López Jiménez & Luis Miguel Viaña Pérez - 2024 - Revista Disertaciones 13 (1):3-8.
    En los escenarios universitarios cada vez resulta menos extraño toparse con investigaciones que indagan por la escritura filosófica proveniente de centros no hegemónicos de producción de conocimiento. Nosotros, que hemos tenido la oportunidad de acercarnos al pasado del ejercicio de la filosofía en el actual territorio colombiano, quisimos hacer una convocatoria pública de escritos dedicados a identificar temas, preguntas y formas en que la variopinta comunidad de la filosofía local está escribiendo su propia historia.
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  12.  28
    Does the Use of Social Media Tools in Classrooms Increase Student Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility?Sara Rodríguez-Gómez, Raquel Garde-Sánchez, María Lourdes Arco-Castro & María Victoria López-Pérez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    There is an increasing demand for ethical and Corporate Social Responsibility practices by companies. This competence has to be introduced in students’ training in business degree programs, and a check must then be done to determine if the students have come to appreciate the importance of CSR commitments. Using the framework of Stakeholders Theory, this work aims to examine students’ perceptions of ethical and CSR practices and commitment to different stakeholders, as well as the factors that lead students to act (...)
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  13. Beyond the Altruistic Donor: Embedding Solidarity in Organ Procurement Policies.María Victoria Martínez-López, Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho, Belén Liedo, Jon Rueda & Alberto Molina-Pérez - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (5):107.
    Altruism and solidarity are concepts that are closely related to organ donation for transplantation. On the one hand, they are typically used for encouraging people to donate. On the other hand, they also underpin the regulations in force in each country to different extents. They are often used indistinctly and equivocally, despite the different ethical implications of each concept. This paper aims to clarify to what extent we can speak of altruism and solidarity in the predominant models of organ donation. (...)
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  14.  18
    New insights into the nucleophosmin/nucleoplasmin family of nuclear chaperones.Lindsay J. Frehlick, José María Eirín-López & Juan Ausió - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (1):49-59.
    Basic proteins and nucleic acids are assembled into complexes in a reaction that must be facilitated by nuclear chaperones in order to prevent protein aggregation and formation of non‐specific nucleoprotein complexes. The nucleophosmin/nucleoplasmin (NPM) family of chaperones [NPM1 (nucleophosmin), NPM2 (nucleoplasmin) and NPM3] have diverse functions in the cell and are ubiquitously represented throughout the animal kingdom. The importance of this family in cellular processes such as chromatin remodeling, genome stability, ribosome biogenesis, DNA duplication and transcriptional regulation has led to (...)
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  15.  63
    Roger Boscovich.J. Félix Fuertes Martínez & José López García - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):687-701.
    Roger Boscovich, belonging to XVIII century, halfway from Newton to Faraday, is traditionally considered as a newtonian philosopher. Nevertheless, following Berkson’s suggestion, he could be a Field Theory forerunner. In this work, we will try to go on with the idea of this suggestion in order to show this possible Boscovich’s contribution.
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  16.  64
    Resolution of Algebraic Systems of Equations in the Variety of Cyclic Post Algebras.J. P. Díaz Varela & B. F. López Martinolich - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (1-2):307-330.
    There is a constructive method to define a structure of simple k -cyclic Post algebra of order p , L p , k , on a given finite field F ( p k ), and conversely. There exists an interpretation Φ 1 of the variety $${\mathcal{V}(L_{p,k})}$$ generated by L p , k into the variety $${\mathcal{V}(F(p^k))}$$ generated by F ( p k ) and an interpretation Φ 2 of $${\mathcal{V}(F(p^k))}$$ into $${\mathcal{V}(L_{p,k})}$$ such that Φ 2 Φ 1 ( B ) (...)
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  17. Eternidades; la ruptura poética de la temporalidad.Pablo Javier Pérez López - 2007 - A Parte Rei 53:14.
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  18. La necesidad de la sugerencia.Pablo Javier Pérez López - 2007 - A Parte Rei 51:10.
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  19.  25
    Catholic Conscience and Civil Disobedience: The Primacy of Truth.Angel Perez-Lopez & Israel Perez-Lopez - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):773-792.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Catholic Conscience and Civil Disobedience:The Primacy of TruthAngel Perez-Lopez and Israel Perez-LopezIntroductionSacred Scripture describes different examples of moral conscience dictating civil disobedience. For instance, think of the situation of Daniel (see Dan 6:6–10). In this and many other cases, we always find, above all, a defense of truth and of its primacy over conscience and civil authority.1 In a culture that rapidly abandons Christendom and rejects the Catholic social (...)
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  20.  33
    El espacio y el tiempo en la Teoría de la Filosofía Natural de Roger Boscovich.J. Félix Fuertes & José López - 1997 - Arbor 156 (616):57-76.
    A caballo entre dos grandes gigantes, Newton y Leibniz, el jesuita Roger Boscovich desarrolla en su obra principal, Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis, una cosmovisión de considerable interés que, sin embargo, no es muy conocida. Particularmente, su concepción del espacio y el tiempo, que ofrece similitudes con el planteamiento einsteniano y las modernas teorías espacio-temporales.
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  21.  42
    How Organizational Structure Affects Ecological Responsiveness.Raquel Antolín-López, Javier Martínez-del-Río, José Céspedes-Lorente & Miguel Pérez-Valls - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (8):1634-1670.
    In this article, we analyze the relationship between the main dimensions of organizational structure (i.e., formalization, centralization, and complexity) and ecological responsiveness in a sample of 109 firms in the European air passenger transport industry. Broadly confirming our hypotheses, the results show that high formalization of routine tasks favors ecological responsiveness. Structures characterized by high decentralization and low complexity also favor ecological responsiveness. Furthermore, decentralization has a significant, positive relationship with ecological responsiveness among firms with low vertical complexity. Overall, the (...)
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  22.  17
    Foucault y los sueños. Despertar de la existencia, experiencia meditativa y técnica de sí.Carlos Pérez López & Soledad Nívoli - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (131):433-465.
    El tema de los sueños en la obra de Foucault tiene un lugar marginal, aunque muestra una intermitente persistencia a lo largo del tiempo, ya que es posible encontrarlo primero en su escrito temprano sobre Binswanger; luego, en sus reflexiones en torno a la historia de la locura; y, finalmente, en sus abordajes sobre las “técnicas de sí” en la Antigüedad. En el presente artículo se propone un recorrido por estos tres momentos en los que Foucault se ocupa de los (...)
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  23. Teacher-Rated Executive Functions, Gender and Relative Age: Independent and Interactive Effects on Observed Fundamental Motor Skills in Kindergarteners.Elena Escolano-Pérez, Carmen R. Sánchez-López & Maria Luisa Herrero-Nivela - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Fundamental motor skills of children can be affected by different variables, such as executive functions, gender and relative age. However, the effects of these variables on FMS have been scarce studied, especially in early childhood, and show inconsistent results. To clarify these relationships, this study was carried out. Its aim was to analyze whether EF, gender and relative age influenced FMS in 43 Spanish kindergarteners. A multimethod and mixed methods approach was used. Kindergarteners’ teachers completed the Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory (...)
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  24.  80
    Burnout and Quality of Life in Professionals Working in Nursing Homes: The Moderating Effect of Stereotypes.Patricia López-Frutos, Gema Pérez-Rojo, Cristina Noriega, Cristina Velasco, Isabel Carretero, José Ángel Martínez-Huertas, Leyre Galarraga & Javier López - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThis study aimed to analyse how stereotypes towards older people moderate the relationship between burnout and quality of life of professionals working in nursing homes.MethodA total of 312 professionals were asked to complete questionnaires of burnout Maslach Burnout Inventory quality of Life and aging stereotypes. The moderation effects were tested using linear regression models.ResultsA negative association was observed between burnout and QoL. It was also found a statistically significant moderator effect of the total score of stereotypes and the health stereotypes, (...)
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  25.  71
    Walter Benjamin Y Georges Sorel: Entre el mito de la huelga general Y Una política de medios puros.Carlos Pérez López - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (1):213-238.
    En su ensayo Para una crítica de la violencia, Walter Benjamin reivindica el fenómeno social de la huelga general revolucionaria teorizada por Georges Sorel en su obra Reflexiones sobre la violencia, como una figura ejemplar de lo que sería un “medio puro de la política”, al margen de cualquier forma legitimada de poder. En este marco, pocos comentadores contemporáneos advierten una discordancia conceptual entre ambos filósofos: para Sorel, la huelga revolucionaria es un mito social, mientras que el mito, categoría esencialmente (...)
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  26.  97
    La evolución de la naturaleza en el arte de la Alta edad media Y las teorías escatológicas cristianas.Héctor Julio Pérez López - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 36:135-157.
    Este trabajo plantea, en primer lugar, una visión global acerca de la evolución de la representación de la naturaleza en la cultura artística visual europea del Alto Medievo. Resultado de la misma es la detección de una parálisis en la evolución estética de la representación de la naturaleza que sin embargo había pasado previamente por fases de esplendor decorativo y simbólico. A continuación se examinan diferentes propuestas historiográficas acerca de la evolución de la relación entre ser humano y naturaleza en (...)
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  27.  27
    Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence During Confinement: Characteristics by Age and Sex.Mavi Alcántara-López, Maravillas Castro, Antonia Martínez-Pérez, Visitación Fernández, Kaveri Negrón-Medina & Concepción López-Soler - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed to stop its advance have affected the entire population. Children living with difficulties or in vulnerable situations prior to the pandemic might have suffered an even greater impact. This present study examines the psychological impact of quarantine on children and adolescents exposed to intimate partner violence against their mothers. Participants were 185 mothers who reported 269 children, as well as 108 children who self-reported. An emotional and behavioral checklist was administered to both mothers and (...)
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  28.  31
    La Comisión de Mujeres y Ciencia del CSIC: diez años promoviendo la igualdad de oportunidades y la excelencia en el organismo.Pilar López Sancho, Joaquina Álvarez-Marrón, Flora De Pablo, Josefa Masegosa Gallego, Mª Carmen Mayoral Gastón, Elena Molina Hernández, Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, Francisca Puertas Maroto & Luisa Mª Sandalio González - 2013 - Arbor 189 (759):a012.
    La Comisión Mujeres y Ciencia del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) fue creada en 2002 como comisión asesora de la Presidencia para temas de género. En sus diez años de funcionamiento, la comisión ha contribuido a mejorar la carrera científica de las mujeres investigadoras del CSIC y a aumentar la visibilidad de los resultados de sus investigaciones. En este trabajo se resumen los orígenes y objetivos de esta comisión, así como las actividades realizadas desde 2002, y se analiza la (...)
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  29.  17
    Confrontation and reconcilement in contemporary native american theater.Sidoní López Pérez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-10.
    Contemporary Native American theater consists of a long list of plays which normally include indigenous and mixed-blood characters who often find themselves living between two worlds, that is, Native culture and white American society. Therefore, it is common to find a significant confrontation and conflict between the two cultures, which is usually solved at the end of the plays with the characters’ reconcilement or synthesis between their Native heritage and the white domineering society. In this way, Native Americans can ensure (...)
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  30.  29
    Democracia y Liberalismo.Ricardo López Pérez - 1997 - Cinta de Moebio 2.
    La oposición entre Democracia y Liberalismo tiene su punto de tensión en la relación vida pública-vida privada. Para Roger Labrousse, la Democracia hace depender la vida privada del hombre de su vida pública, en tanto que para el Liberalismo la vida privada se antepone a la vida pública. Se trata de dos extremos que se articulan de modo complejo, a veces como complemento y a veces como conflicto. No podría ser de otro modo. Normalmente estas dicotomías tienen en una primera (...)
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  31.  16
    Effects of semantic clustering and repetition on incidental vocabulary learning.Mercedes Pérez-Serrano, Marta Nogueroles-López & Jon Andoni Dunabeitia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:997951.
    The present study intended to investigate, first, the impact of semantic clustering on the recall and recognition of incidentally learned words in a new language, and second, how the interaction between semantic clustering and frequency of occurrence may modulate learning. To that end, Spanish university students watched an intentionally created video which contained Spanish target words that were either semantically related to others of the set, or not semantically linked at all. Furthermore, frequency of appearance changed among target words (1|4|8). (...)
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  32.  10
    Jean-Paul Sartre y Albert Camus: ¿Individualismo deontológico o individualismo individualista?Sheila López Pérez - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 104:119-137.
    El presente artículo se encamina a indagar en las implicaciones que la palabra individualismo contuvo en los existencialismos de Jean-Paul Sartre y Albert Camus. Con este objetivo, se pretende desenmascarar la filosofía de Sartre como un deontologismo igual de desubjetivizado que cualquier doctrina colectivista, así como postular el individualismo de Camus como esa doctrina que se atrevió a hacerse cargo de las repercusiones de aquel axioma desde el que partieron ambos existencialismos y solo él se atrevió a explotar: la existencia (...)
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  33.  7
    Lenguaje intransigente para tiempos de banalidad: el legado de Adorno y Pasolini.Sheila López Pérez - 2023 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 12 (2):165-173.
    El presente artículo recoge la crítica de Adorno y Pasolini a la era abierta por Mayo del 68 y trata de trasladarla a nuestros días. El objetivo es trazar líneas de continuidad entre lo que los dos autores atisbaron en aquel movimiento y la actualidad. Con base en ello, se partirá de la denuncia de la “intolerancia” y el “dogmatismo” que tanto Adorno como Pasolini achacaron al movimiento; seguidamente, se recogerá la descripción de los dos autores de la época de (...)
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  34. Los Sofistas y el Consensualismo.Ricardo López Pérez - 1997 - Cinta de Moebio 1.
    En sus orígenes, en la antigua Grecia, el vocablo sofista se utilizó para designar a quien se mostraba experto en alguna actividad. Podía ser la filosofía, la poesía, la música o la adivinación, pero siempre un sofista era un maestro de sabiduría, alguien que se proponía hacer sabio a quien re..
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  35.  20
    El principio y el fin.Arturo Pérez López - 2014 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 6 (1):25-32.
    Se analiza en este trabajo, seleccionado de la II Olimpiada de Filosofía en Málaga organizada por FICUM en secundaria, la "tarea vital" a partir de tres pilares básicos: amar, dejar huella y descubrirse a uno mismo.
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  36.  51
    Walter Benjamin y la teleología.Carlos Alberto Pérez López - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (168):13-42.
    Se suele afirmar, y con razón, que la representación de la historia en el pensamiento de Walter Benjamin es esencialmente antiteleológica. Pese a esto, en sus escritos se encuentran dos importantes menciones del término “teleología” que permiten pensar en un uso excepcional de este concepto: la “teleología sin fin final” y el “momento teleológico del despertar”. En el presente artículo examinaremos de qué modo estas pistas casi recónditas sobre la teleología repercuten de lleno en la concepción de la historia de (...)
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  37.  23
    Promoting Handwriting Fluency for Preschool and Elementary-Age Students: Meta-Analysis and Meta-Synthesis of Research From 2000 to 2020.Carmen López-Escribano, Javier Martín-Babarro & Raquel Pérez-López - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:841573.
    Handwriting is a complex activity that involves continuous interaction between lower-level handwriting and motor skills and higher-order cognitive processes. It is important to allocate mental resources to these high-order processes since these processes place a great demand on cognitive capacity. This is possible when lower-level skills such as transcription are effortlessness and fluent. Given that fluency is a value in virtually all areas of academic learning, schools should provide instructional activities to promote writing fluency from the first stages of learning (...)
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  38.  44
    Asistencia personal: Herramienta para Una Vida independiente. Situación actual.Mercedes López Pérez & Susana Ruiz Seisdedos - 2013 - Aposta 59:6-33.
    A través del presente artículo se realiza un estudio sobre el Movimiento de Vida Independiente y la figura del Asistente Personal en España. Dicho movimiento defiende una visión distinta sobre el mundo de la discapacidad, planteada por las propias personas con diversidad funcional que fomentan su propia autonomía e independencia y apuestan, por tanto, por una manera diferente de gestionar las políticas públicas de atención a la dependencia. La figura del Asistente Personal, poco desarrollada por las Administraciones Públicas en nuestro (...)
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  39.  76
    Will robots ever play sports?Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & José Luis Pérez Triviño - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1):67-82.
    This paper addresses the possibility of robots engaging in sports. Recently, several movies like Ex-Machina, Chappi, and Transcendence challenge the spectator to think of the consequences of creating artificial intelligences. Although we refer to athletes who have outstanding sporting performances as machines, for example, in cycling people say ‘the cyclist looked like a machine with wheels,’ the potential participation of such AI in sport has not been addressed. For our argument’s sake, we will assume that the creation of human-like robots (...)
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  40.  37
    Necropolitics and the bodies that do not matter in pandemic times.Lorena Núñez-Parra, Constanza López-Radrigán, Nicole Mazzucchelli & Carolina Pérez - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-2 (15-2):190-197.
    Many months have passed since the first case of COVID-19 contagion was declared in Chile, in March 2020, and we started June with an official underreporting of more than a thousand deaths (Minay, 2020), all of which triggered serious questions due to lack of transparency (Sepúlveda, 2020) and even the change regarding the authority of the healthcare ministry. In this framework, the government’s call to confinement and stay in our homes, in our long and narrow territory, made visible the radic...
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    Development of Flow State Self-Regulation Skills and Coping With Musical Performance Anxiety: Design and Evaluation of an Electronically Implemented Psychological Program.Laura Moral-Bofill, Andrés López de la Llave, Mᵃ Carmen Pérez-Llantada & Francisco Pablo Holgado-Tello - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Positive Psychology has turned its attention to the study of emotions in a scientific and rigorous way. Particularly, to how emotions influence people’s health, performance, or their overall life satisfaction. Within this trend, Flow theory has established a theoretical framework that helps to promote the Flow experience. Flow state, or optimal experience, is a mental state of high concentration and enjoyment that, due to its characteristics, has been considered desirable for the development of the performing activity of performing musicians. Musicians (...)
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    Competitive Recovery–Stress and Mood States in Mexican Youth Athletes.Luis Felipe Reynoso-Sánchez, Germán Pérez-Verduzco, Miguel Ángel Celestino-Sánchez, Jeanette M. López-Walle, Jorge Zamarripa, Blanca Rocío Rangel-Colmenero, Hussein Muñoz-Helú & Germán Hernández-Cruz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundMonitoring recovery–stress balance in sport is becoming more relevant to prevent training maladaptation and reach the optimal performance for each athlete. The use of questionnaires that identify the athlete’s recovery–stress state have much acceptance in sports due to reliability and useful, furthermore for its low cost. Identifying possible differences between sport modalities and sex is important to determine specific needs and possible intervention ways to keep a recovery–stress balance. The aim was to analyze the differences in the recovery–stress state and (...)
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    Perceived Social Support and Its Effects on Changes in the Affective and Eudaimonic Well-Being of Chilean University Students.Rubia Cobo-Rendón, Yaranay López-Angulo, María Victoria Pérez-Villalobos & Alejandro Díaz-Mujica - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The beginning of university life can be a stressful event for students. The close social relationships that they can experience can have positive effects on their well-being. The objective of this paper is to estimate the effect of perceived social support on the changes of the hedonic and eudaimonic well-being of Chilean university students during the transition from the first to the second academic year. Overall, 205 students participated with an average age of 19.14 years, evaluated during their first academic (...)
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  44. Cosmological Black Holes and the Direction of Time.Gustavo E. Romero, Federico G. López Armengol & Daniela Pérez - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (2):415-426.
    Macroscopic irreversible processes emerge from fundamental physical laws of reversible character. The source of the local irreversibility seems to be not in the laws themselves but in the initial and boundary conditions of the equations that represent the laws. In this work we propose that the screening of currents by black hole event horizons determines, locally, a preferred direction for the flux of electromagnetic energy. We study the growth of black hole event horizons due to the cosmological expansion and accretion (...)
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    Uso de herramientas virtuales para el abordaje inicial en pacientes con síntomas de salud mental: una revisión de la literatura.Juan Pablo Olier Herrera, Borja Ignacio Ferreras López, Yahira Rossini Guzmán-Sabogal, Daniela Virginia Peña Perez & Maria Alejandra Ramirez Cruz - 2023 - Persona y Bioética 27 (2):e2724.
    Objetivo: El siguiente artículo tiene como propósito la revisión de la literatura existente cuyo enfoque sea las herramientas tecnológicas utilizadas para el abordaje del paciente con síntomas de salud mental, de manera virtual, para describir las ventajas, la eficacia, la efectividad y los beneficios de estas herramientas, a partir de la literatura encontrada. Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Pubmed, Elsevier, UpToDate, Journal of Medical Internet Research y Google Académico. Se identificó un total de 58 artículos (...)
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  46. Humor Improves Women’s but Impairs Men’s Iowa Gambling Task Performance.Jorge Flores-Torres, Lydia Gómez-Pérez, Kateri McRae, Vladimir López, Ivan Rubio & Eugenio Rodríguez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:482865.
    The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is a popular method for examining real-life decision-making. Research has shown gender related differences in performance, in that men consistently outperform women. It has been suggested that these performance differences are related to decreased emotional control in women compared to men. Given the likely role of emotion in these gender differences, in the present study we examine the effect of a humor induction on IGT performance and whether the effect of humor is moderated by gender. (...)
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    What can one reasonably say about nonexistence? A tibetan work on the problem of āśrayāsiddha.Tom J. F. Tillemans & Donald S. Lopez - 1998 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 26 (2):99-129.
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    Método de desarrollo de conceptos: Intervención didáctica para la correcta integración de conceptos de ciencias en la red conceptual del alumnado del Grado de Educación Primaria.Yaiza Adaya Villalba Delgado, Rocío Quijano López & Eufrasio Pérez Navío - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-10.
    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar la mejora de las dificultades de aprendizaje del alumnado que actualmente se encuentra realizando el Grado de maestros de Educación Primaria, a través de una propuesta didáctica de intervención, sobre la adquisición y conformación de conceptos relacionados con las Ciencias, concretamente abarcando el tema de la relación individuo-medio ambiente, a través de la aplicación del método didáctico de Desarrollo de Conceptos. El estudio revela que tras la implantación de dicho método se refuerzan (...)
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    Effects of Teleassistance on the Quality of Life of People With Rare Neuromuscular Diseases According to Their Degree of Disability.Oscar Martínez, Imanol Amayra, Juan Francisco López-Paz, Esther Lázaro, Patricia Caballero, Irune García, Alicia Aurora Rodríguez, Maitane García, Paula María Luna, Paula Pérez-Núñez, Jaume Barrera, Nicole Passi, Sarah Berrocoso, Manuel Pérez & Mohammad Al-Rashaida - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Rare neuromuscular diseases are a group of pathologies characterized by a progressive loss of muscular strength, atrophy, fatigue, and other muscle-related symptoms, which affect quality of life levels. The low prevalence, high geographical dispersion and disability of these individuals involve difficulties in accessing health and social care services. Teleassistance is presented as a useful tool to perform psychosocial interventions in these situations. The main aim of this research is to assess the effects of a teleassistance psychosocial program on the QoL (...)
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    Correction to: Mapping trust relationships in organ donation and transplantation: a conceptual model.María Victoria Martínez-López, Leah McLaughlin, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Krzysztof Pabisiak, Nadia Primc, Gurch Randhawa, David Rodríguez-Arias, Jorge Suárez, Sabine Wöhlke & Janet Delgado - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-2.
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